Level Up Kid’s Social Skills: 10 Board Games Loved by Experts and Kids That Can Help

If you’re looking to give your child a strong foundation for academic success, it may be shocking to hear that the best thing you can do is allow them to play more every day.

It’s been proven that the best predictor of academic performance in eighth grade was a child’s basic social skills in third grade.

So what’s an affordable change parents can make that doctors recommend and kids will put their device down for? It’s a 4,000-year-old invention that everyone can agree on – Board Games.

2-4 players | Ages 3-6 | Social Skills: Waiting Your Turn, Perseverance, Sportsmanship

1. Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game

2-4 players | Ages 3+ | Social Skills: Waiting Your Turn, Perseverance, Sportsmanship, Following Instructions

2. Candyland

2-6 players | Ages 4+ | Social Skills: Sportsmanship, Following Instructions, Attention Skills

3. Zingo

1-6 players | Ages 4+ | Social Skills: Collaboration, Teamwork, Following Instructions

4. Richard Scarry's Busytown, Eye Found it

2-5 players | Ages 6+ | Social Skills: Sportsmanship, Following Instructions

5. Ticket to Ride

TAP THE LINK BELOW FOR MORE board games to level up kid's social skills.