Real estate is expensive. In addition to a down payment, you'll need extra cash to close. You have to save. Here are 21 ways to save for a house that you can start immediately.
When looking for a house, you need to know how much you can afford. Set a realistic goal then calculate how much you need to save. This is a minimum target.
Few people like budgets. But they help more than you can imagine. The basic budgeting principles help you cut down on spending and ramp up savings. Just stick to it!
You have to stop impulse buys. If you haven't budgeted for it, you can't buy it today. Plan for it and if you still want it, get it later. As for today, focus on saving for the house you want to buy.
Great real estate agents will not save you money but their advice will save you time (ie. money). You'll have more information to help you make a good decision when buying a home.