Masks (regular ones and N-95’s), sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizing gel, cleaning supplies, and soap should be at the top of your list of how to prepare for a pandemic.
While many employers are transitioning to a hybrid model of work many are requiring that employees come back full time. Understand that in another pandemic situation work from home will likely be back.
So, if you don’t already have one, take a look at your expenses and your spending habits and find a way to get that emergency fund off the ground. You won’t regret it.
One of the best ways to protect yourself during a pandemic is to maintain your health. Get your doctor’s checkups, pay attention to your diet, get moving and exercise as much as you can.
How many times a day did you wash your hands before the pandemic? I’m sure that changed drastically once Covid took over. Whatever hygienic habits you’ve developed in the last year, keep them.