“Rich” is all about how much money someone has. It’s about status and worldly things. Rich people may or may not have to work. They may or may not worry about money.
Quickly is a matter of perspective and means to do something without haste or hesitation. It’s about minimizing the time required to do something. It means there’s no time for waste or mistakes.
Getting rich quickly is about not putting something off for tomorrow. It’s about getting to work today. So, let’s get straight to the point with these 19 tips today.
Speculating can be a quick way to make some money. But it’s an even faster way to lose it. To get rich quickly, you don’t have time to waste money.
While looking to get rich quick, beware of pyramid schemes. According to Investopedia, a pyramid scheme is a sketchy business model where members pay upfront costs. The upfront costs get funneled back up the chain.