How to Choose the Best Wedding Registry In 2022 and Beyond

Planning a wedding is hard. You're busy determining your wedding style, researching wedding venues, and narrowing down the flowers. 

Let us help you choose the best wedding registry for your needs. Check out our go-to tips that you need to keep your eye on in this story.

Toss those "should" do ideas to the side. If you've already lived with your partner for some time and have the basics covered, don't worry about registering for those things. Don't add things to the list to take up space.

1. What's most important to you?

What websites come to mind that are simple and fast. You want your guests to enjoy their gift-giving process. Find a registry that works for both of you.

2. Choose a registry that's easy for everyone to navigate.

Brand loyalty is big for a reason. We like to shop where we trust the retailer. So, consider retailers that your guests frequently mention.

3. Consider retailers that guests frequent.

No one says you can only have one registry. Find several places that your guests can choose from. Look for different items at different places.

4. Include multiple registries

TAP THE LINK BELOW FOR MORE on finding the best wedding registry for 2022.