There are several decisions you need to make before you begin your search for an in-home childcare provider. Taking some time to consider carefully the following questions will make sure that your expectations are clear and that you are prepared to pay your sitter a competitive wage for the services you are requesting.
When people think of babysitters, they likely imagine their neighborhood teenager or perhaps a college student. However, there are babysitters of all ages and all experience levels.
The average rate of $18.36 is not the norm everywhere. You are likely to pay a higher rate if you live in a big city with a higher living cost. On the other hand, those in rural areas will probably pay a lower hourly rate for babysitting services.
Caring for multiple children is a much bigger job than caring for just one child. In addition, your children’s ages will also affect the price. If you have multiple young children, they will require your babysitter to perform more work during their time babysitting.