One of the hardest decisions for some people is deciding what they are going to do. If you already have this figured out, then you’re ready to go. If not, that’s okay. But you need to have a plan before you start.
Working for yourself means that you alone are responsible for financing your business until you get a decent clientele. You need to be financially prepared to pay for things upfront in hopes that you can at least make that money back.
When considering how much time you really have to spend working on your business, factor in family and social obligations, basic household tasks, self-care, and whether or not you’ll keep working another job
If you plan to keep working while your business is growing, be aware that you’ll be putting in many extra hours. It may be exhausting to work all day on your business needs and then work a night shift job, but it ensures that you still have a steady income.
As your own boss, you are responsible for making all of the business decisions. Having some experience in whatever craft you choose can jumpstart your success.